
Heart for the neighborhood

In 2023, De Wijk De Wereld visited Lewenborg. There, they discovered the existence of the Neighborhood Mothers. Initiator Judith founded this group together with committed residents to reduce street unrest. From 4:00 PM until late evening, the Neighborhood Mothers walk in pairs through the neighborhood daily. Recognizable by their pink vests, they prevent a lot of trouble with a gentle touch and establish important connections with young people.

At Blikopener Festival, watch the film that De Wijk De Wereld made about these neighborhood mothers with a warm heart for the neighborhood!

About De Wijk De Wereld

Every year, De Wijk De Wereld, together with a team of professional theater makers, immerses itself in a neighborhood of Groningen. We carefully observe what and who lives in the neighborhood, bring the community together, and then amplify the voices of the neighborhood together in the City Theatre. All experiences and personal stories are shared by residents with the rest of the city in a performance filled with theater, music, dance, and everything in between. The theater becomes the neighborhood's community center for a week!