About Eva Koopmans

Eva Koopmans is a relational artist and designer with a background in scenography. She focuses on spatial interventions that bring people and places into contact with each other. Facilitating encounters is central to her work. Eva sees art as a means to participate in processes of change and to practice together on a small scale. What we give attention to grows: in this way, art can bring about a lot of change.

Eva koopmans & de makkers

De Wachtkamer

Welcome to De Wachtkamer (The Waiting Room). The Waiting Room is an artwork about caring for each other. Who takes care of you? And who do you care for? Through personal stories of experts by experience in healthcare, we explore your role within the care system.

At Blikopener Festival, Eva Koopmans and De Makkers present the approach and process of The Waiting Room. This socially artistic project was developed in collaboration with staff and participants from homeless shelters 't DAC and Skrep Wender, crisis shelter Wender, art workshop Smoel, reintegration center Niemand aan de Zijlijn, high school Singelland BHS Gorredijk, and nursing home Patyna Aylva State.