hang youth

Hardcore poppunk

Hang Youth consciously navigates between being a humorous art project, an angry tweet, and a dead serious punk band. The Amsterdam-based group released the albums BOEL AAN DE HAND and ALLES MOET BETER in 2020. With ultra-short, radically furious hardcore pop-punk tracks like WAAROM IS ALLES ZO KK DUUR?, IK GEEF EEN NIER VOOR GEEN RUTTE IV, and BELASTINGDIENST, Hang Youth captures their social discontent.

The band members are bursting with social engagement. They push their extremely anarchist agenda wherever possible. They've disrupted prime-time television and radio multiple times. They frequently participate in Extinction Rebellion blockades at Zuidas and have no intention of stopping. In the spring of 2023, Hang Youth released the EP BEN JE BANG?, followed by a tour of major Dutch pop venues in the fall.

Unfortunately, capitalism still stands in 2024. Therefore, Hang Youth feels compelled to make their voices heard again this year. Don't miss Hang Youth at Blikopener Festival!

Hang Youth op Blikopener Festival 2024