Madelinde hageman

Kunstenares en social designer

Artist and social designer Madelinde Hageman has been exploring initiatives with others for years to make loneliness a topic of conversation. For example, by writing letters to loneliness. Or by breaking porcelain and allowing people to piece the shards of their lives back together. Language for Loneliness takes on various forms. Think spoken word, illustration, costume design, photography, podcasting. And always remember: everyone is an artist.

Taal voor Eenzaamheid

For Blikopener Festival, Madelinde Hageman breaks the taboo surrounding mental health issues. Together with young adults, she explores new words to make this topic discussable in the co-creation project Language for Loneliness. How? With unexpected perspectives, eccentric conversation formats, surprising dialogues, experimental performances. Together, we visualize personal stories to inspire others and break the stigma.

Lees meer over Taal voor Eenzaamheid