move huntu


How do women contribute to the self-sufficiency of communities within society? And how do they break through traumas? In the multidisciplinary performance Mama, Move Huntu tells hidden stories about motherhood and the role of women. A dedication to and celebration of the mothers who were there, the women who are there, and those who will come.

Move Huntu

Move Huntu is an initiative by dancer and theater maker Juersson Hermanus and creative producer Tracy Rutayisire. Together with various artists, Move Huntu works on connecting communities. For Mama, they collaborated with creators Charlice Johannes, Nicole Cain Bakker, and Cissy Joan. During the creative process, they address themes such as the history of slavery, its impact on the present, intergenerational issues, and self-sufficiency and healing through dance, spoken word, music, and theater.


Sezgi Gorgulu

Tracy Rutayisire

Christa Rutayisire

Sonayda Emerenciana

Titia Prins

Paula Laning

Roosje Yard

Willemijn van de Walle

Sheila Oisila

Moderator discussion:
Danette Hoyer