About Mosterd

Mosterd is a creative space for unexpected encounters, where we seek connection through shared meals, creation, sharing, and experimentation. It aims to be a place where twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings feel at home. Moving away from an individualistic, fast-paced, achievement-oriented society, Mosterd offers time and space to share life together, experiment, discover, contemplate life's big and small questions, inspire, and grow (slowly).

Strange fruitz camp x mosterd

Religious traditions

What does religion look like in 2024? In a world with a violent past and an uncertain future, more and more (young) people are searching for rituals, hope, and forms of solidarity to give meaning to life. Both Strange Fruitz Camp and Mosterd are exploring new ways to engage with religious traditions. They breathe new life into old traditions, fostering understanding and compassion amidst differences, and forging connections across boundaries.

During this interactive meal, Strange Fruitz Camp and Mosterd invite you to converse with someone you don't know. Share how you see the world, what gives you hope, and what holds value for you. Enjoy delicious bites from Soul Sistahzz.

About Strange Fruitz Camp

Strange Fruitz Camp is a Bible-based organization focused on the 12 lost tribes of the house of Israel, identified today as Antilleans, Hispanics, Native American Indians, Surinamese, and others. They believe these communities are the true descendants of the Bible. Strange Fruitz Camp seeks to bridge the Bible with the present through Bible studies, prophecies, history, and connecting Bible stories with black history.