
Pay-what you can

1. Choose a day

Blikopener Festival takes place on Friday, June 7th, and Saturday, June 8th. Friday afternoon kicks off the program for professionals. Friday evening and Saturday evening, the program is open to everyone. When purchasing a ticket, you first choose which day you'll be attending Blikopener.

2. Choose a price

Blikopener Festival is accessible to everyone, regardless of the size of your wallet. That's why you get to choose the amount you can pay. You can select an amount between €5 and €40. An honest ticket price for Blikopener Festival is €15. With that amount, you ensure all those who contribute to making the festival possible are properly compensated.

If you can spare a little extra and opt for a higher-priced ticket, your donation will make it possible for someone with a smaller budget to attend the festival. Thank you very much! We hope to see you on June 7th and 8th.


Friday afternoon, June 7th, marks the start of our professionals program. It focuses on exchange, networking, and inspiration for professionals, creators, and local organizations. Information about tickets for the professionals program will be available soon.

We kick off with a presentation of the Co-creatie (Co-creation) trajectories, showcasing the new perspectives residents and creators have envisioned. Then, we invite you as a professional to further explore these themes in so-called Atelier (Workshop) Sessions. What other new perspectives can we come up with? And how can we give these perspectives concrete follow-up? How can we achieve lasting societal change? New connections are forged during the drinks reception and closing dinner.

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