Blikopener Festival confirms: Hang Youth, Kleine Crack & Slagter, Batatuké, ARK/Connor Schumacher, New Dutch Connections, Massih Hutak, and Rijker dan een Miljonair. Read on to learn more about the program of this second festival edition on Friday, June 7th and Saturday, June 8th. Buy your tickets for Blikopener Festival here!

Hang Youth, Kleine Crack & Slagter, Massih Hutak, Connor Schumacher, New Dutch Connections and more!

confirmed at blikopener festival

Hardcore punk, hiphop and south-american vibes

Hang Youth strikes a balance between a humorous art project, an angry tweet, and a deadly serious punk band. With their ultra-short, furious hardcore pop-punk anthems, Hang Youth captures their social discontent. And you'll definitely hear that at Blikopener Festival!

The Flemish duo Crack & Slagter stays true to a specific style of Gangsta rap, the Memphis Horrorcore. Minimal synths and beats from producer Slagter complement the straightforward themes such as drugs and murder, addressed by MC Kleine Crack. Get ready for possessed raps and hellish energy.

It's danceable. It's melodious. Batatuké blends the colors of Brazilian, African, Caribbean, and other South American rhythms into a delightful, sing-along mix. Try to stay still then. (That's not going to happen).

On June 8th, Coco Coquelicot pours her unique blend of club sounds over the audience. Passionate, exhilarating, and fearless: this music enthusiast combines warm grooves with strong basslines. As co-founder of Relate Radio and organizer of Butts, the highly esteemed queer club night in the East, Coco drives the advancement of the Groningen music scene.

Performing arts at blikopener

Connor Schumacher invites you to the ARK Rave Studio, a space where you can move with enthusiasm and admiration. He believes that society would look better if we danced every day. Let's come together and get moving!

Everyone has dreams for the future, but not everyone gets the chance to pursue them. In Future Citizens, New Dutch Connections provides a platform for (former) refugees to discover and share their talents and dreams.

Expo: massih hutak and rijker dan een miljonair

Two new names have also been confirmed for the Blikopener exhibition. Massih Hutak is a Dutch-language hip-hop artist, producer, and writer from Amsterdam-Noord. He founded the hip-hop-inspired grassroots movement Verdedig Noord. Through artistic-cultural and socio-community work, Massih advocates for a solidarity-based city. Examples of this can be seen at the Blikopener Festival.

In the artistic program Rijker dan een Miljonair, social designer Madelinde Hageman and design anthropologist Tina Lenz invite you to imagine your personal perception of poverty and wealth. Fear of poverty is a feeling everyone knows. But what does it mean to feel poor or rich? And does that always have to do with having or not having money?

buy tickets now: pay-what-you-can

Festival tickets for Friday evening, June 7th, and Saturday evening, June 8th, are now on sale. Order your tickets here. Blikopener Festival is accessible to everyone, no matter how big or small your budget is. Therefore, you choose the amount you can pay. You can choose an amount between €5 and €40.

Buro Mix organizes the second edition of Blikopener Festival. The festival is made possible with the support of the Cultuurfonds, Emmaplein Foundation, Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, Fonds ZOZ, Gemeente Eemsdelta, Gemeente Groningen, Kunstraad Groningen, Stichting J.B. Scholtenfonds & stichting H.S. Kammingafonds, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Vriendenloterij Fonds, and VSBfonds.